Saturday, November 8, 2008

Pikake And New Skin Misty

I want to introduce Pikake Wylie. the "P" in M&P Designs, my SL partner, and my RW wife. I made a poster with her picture below. She makes the female skins while I do the male. She is also our landscaper, and layout artist. I do the paintings, posters, building, and clothes. Her latest is Misty, shown below, now for sale in our House of Skin.

We have tried to improve our skins two ways. One is to make them darker, or provide a darker alternative. The other, at Pikake's urging, is to show them with good hair that we bought for the poster, but not included in the sale. We had been using freebie hair that we did include. Pikake argued that the freebie hair cheapened the look of the skins.

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