Wednesday, November 5, 2008

On The SL Democide Museum

This museum is the most important aspect of my life in SL (link in sidebar). It is the only such museum in the world, not to mention SL. It chronicles through photographs, charts, and plots 20th century world democide (genocide and mass murder) and the solution to it, which is democratic freedom. The more democratic freedom a people have, the less likely they will be murdered by their government. Democracies do not kill their own people, whereas non-democracies have murdered well over 200 million people--many times more that died in combat in all the foreign and domestic wars during the same period.

This story and solution must be told, and the non-profit museum is my way of doing it. The problem has been how to get those in SL to visit and be informed by the museum. When I first set it up, I divided the informative material and major democide into alcoves and a second floor, with seminar table and chairs in the middle of the first floor. I tried then scheduling regular discussion meetings, but few people came, although well advertised. So, then I tried to hold a seminar, and again few attended. This is SL after all and a place of fun and enjoyment, which the museum sort of puts a damper on. But the museum is there, and word gets around about it, and I get about 4-5 visitors a day.

In building the museum I went well over my maximum prims, since there seemed enough empty offices in the non-profit sim to allow this. But they filled and I had to cut back on the prims I used. So the table, chairs, display board, and unnecessary decorations are gone. The museum is now as stark as the subject.

Anyway, I am always available for talks on democide, or to answer any questions people may have.

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