Wednesday, April 9, 2008

New The Gallery III

I have added The Gallery III to the two others. It is here: It will show mainly artistic photographs or paintages, while The Gallery I displays digital paintings, and the Gallery II contrasts the beauty shown in these galleries to the worst of the world’s evil.

Below is one of the paintages shown in the new gallery.

It is titled, “What You Looking At?” And I am selling it for L$200.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

More On The Terrorist Attack

I have been away from this blog for a couple of weeks. The virus that was part of the terrorist attack on multiplied and caused my computer to eventual freeze. It had to be repaired, which did not work, and now is being repaired again.

Terrorism is the best term for it, since the one who attacked my wife in SL and then probably me belongs to an anarchocommunist “Antifascist” group that has declared war on any fascist and their activity in SL, which must include my anti-democide The Gallery II. See the last blog below.

I reported this to SL, but what has been done about it I don’t know. I received no word back.

The griefer-terrorist problem in SL can be serious, as in our case, but at most all SL seem to do is kick the perpetrator out of SL. However, he can freely assume the identity of another avatar, or two, or three, and come back in. He only loses his inventory, and maybe land(?).

Anyway, enough of this. Will talk about my art and galleries from now on.