Thursday, March 6, 2008

On the accusation of "False Art, Fake Painting"

In the SL community of artists, a controversy has erupted over an accusation by one that a painting another claimed to be an oil was in fact a Photoshop product. My response to this is, "So what?" and I wrote a blog below on it. On her blog, Caty Matova posted a clarification of this dispute and gave me permission to cross post it below. If Zephyru or Jayalli wish to respond or comment, I would be happy to post it also.


Unprofessional behave of Zephyru Zapedzki

Dear readers, the CM Gallery, clarifies some situations that happens in the artistic community in Second Life, not that we wanted to give importance to certain issues because we feel that they have not so much relevance, however, the dedicated readers of this blog deserve a clarification on our part. Feeling that this is a post that beyond the purpose of the blog, the CM Gallery, does not stop to explain what happened. During the exibition of Violetta Biziou, when we first meet Zephyru Zapedzki, he don’t went to the gallery to see the work of the artist but to self-advertise in open chat without previously greet someone, much less the artist or the owner of the gallery. From here, we can formulate an idea of the Zephyru character.

Meanwhile the CM Gallery was contacted by a person, which promoted the artist (Zephyru), which proposed the exposure it in the gallery, so through an act of good faith, we accepted. However, the gallery was closed for change of location, when the new gallery was ready we contact Zephyru and another artist Jayalli Hawthorne, to express their work (during the period that the gallery was closed we still advertise the artist through the blog). In a first reaction, Zephyru, proved to be very helpful and nice. As soon as it was assigned the space for its work, its conduct changed dramatically (for those who do not know the gallery, it is divided into three levels, Zephyru was in the first, where people entering the gallery, is the first image of the gallery). Despite this, Zephyru showed displeasure about their space, however the Jayalli had its exhibition mounted.

The following day, Zephyru addressed in a “arrogant” way to both owners of the gallery, saying that the paintings of oil Jayalli were false and mere photographs of the internet processed by software, using a similar effect of oil to convert the photo in a painting. Zephyru, argues with mere speculation and say that leave the gallery and their works because he’s next to a “Fake artist” (their words). After a meeting between the owners of the gallery and previously confront Jayalli, and she said that paintings were real we decided that without sufficient evidence we couldn’t take a position for any of the artists, however, we respost Zephyru’s position without any opposition, respecting its pointing.Unfortunately, after the Zephyru know this decision, his not limited to withdraw their works but he starting to seek evidence to support their argument. After several attempts presentation of evidence (which not passed from mere speculation), including disturbing jayalli with another avatar trying to take him information by force, which could not, even then did not hesitate to send the conversation to owners of the gallery (to us, a profound lack of character and an extreme cowardice). Even after Jayalli having submitted photos witch prove the veracity of his paintings in oil, Zephyru decide ultimate the owners of the gallery to take a position for or against it “if you are not me, then they are against me!”

Thus begins of the quest “against the fake artists,” which is characterized by abusive notices in groups of Art accompanied by notecards to defame both, the artist jayalli and the own gallery. This attempt to give a bad name to the gallery and the artist Jayalli, can only have one interpretation, in our opinion, an frustrated attempt to self promotion and by a childness act. With the “open war” to the gallery by Zephyru, even after Jayalli feelling extremely offended and humiliated, and runing the risk of undermining the exclusivity of their paintings in the RL, send us more photos of their work that were no doubt that it is authentic works and not attempts to forge art. The CM Gallery, knowing what Jayalli‘s happening and may suffer will not publish any of these images, however, as we had said, our readers deserve to know the truth, and we focus that at no time was used other suport of comunication in Second Life by CM Gallery contrarily to Zephyru, to defend or attack this one.

We want to leave now the impartiality side for a moment, and analyze the situation, we have self-conscience that we never acted incorrectly, with bouth parts, just (although we are portugueses as Zephyru is); we just decided only be impartial, what to Zephyru is an affront and shows a lack of intellectual ability (though Caty Matova is licensed in Art History and ScorpionSoul Paine is Designer), even after being shown for the owners of the gallery and to be said that the works are authentic to Zephyru’s, it continues its demand. We all know that 90% of SL artists expose false art (question: scanning a paiting is already tamper an artistic work?). We know that art is an expression and creativity, we know that the monetary value assigned to art in the SL is infinitely lower to the RL, why Zephyru chose to Jayalli to label as “Fake Artist”? And a gallery run by people linked to the area? By the way, why do you pick someone, instead yourself?

In way of conclusion, the blog and the gallery, CM Gallery, has since its beginning the purpose of gathering the Artists in the SL (whatever the term of the Art) and add a community artists, we regret greatly that in our quest of this objective, we chose this artist who goes against this principles, ignoring all the facts and dont caring about ruining the artist career in SL to win reputation. So we give our apologies…

Caty & Scorp

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