Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bumbling Through

With our previous stores, we tried to attract customers by scattering freebies about. They did attract customers alright, but they seldom bought anything. People came because they wanted freebies, and were not serious shoppers. Now that the our new store is on our land, we can use the SL events list to advertise. So yesterday we advertised a get acquainted one-time only sale--buy anything and be reimbursed for the first buy.

About 25 came, but no one took advantage of the sale. I could not believe it. Everything free, even L1,000 skins, and although limited to one buy, still ....So, with apologias, I IM'ed each of them to ask for help to understand why they did not take advantage for this sale. About ten responded that, in short, they thought this was a scam, could not trust my promise to reimburse them, the clothes/flexi/skins were for newbies, did not have the money for the first buy, and did not see something they really wanted. Fair enough.

So, we changed the event. Still a get acquainted event, but rather then promise to reimburse them, we asked that they email me about what they would like to get for this one time only opportunity, and we would send it to them. Thus, no trust involved. Six responded and wanted skins, two wanted paintings. All sent.

But, no second sales. Nonetheless, people did visit the store and garden gallery, and I did get some good comments on what they saw. Building up good will, and a word of mouth reputation is slow, and we don't expect much real business for awhile.

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