Sunday, October 26, 2008


Now that the House of Skin and Garden GAllery is set up and panting for visitors, the question is how to encourage this. We could put freebies around, but this has not been successful at the stores we rented. We could have a large, grand opening party, but that would be one time only and is not our style. We decided instead to use the events list regularly, which is now available to us. we could not use it before since we did not own our own land.

Advertising freebies does attract visitors, and we will do it in this way. We now make (and signs are up saying this) the first and only the first buy of a skin, clothes, or painting free once only--even if nothing else is bought--and even sold for $1000. Doing this is easy. SL keeps a daily record of all transactions, and records the name of a buyer, what bought, and when. With that record we can reimburse any buyers first buy. We now promise to do this in 24 hours.

The first such "event" was today at noon. We will soon see how well it works

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